Tony Waterhouse
Tony is a livestock scientist with over 35 years’ experience in the study of livestock systems and animal welfare in the UK. He is former head of the Hill and Mountain Research and the Beef and Sheep Research Centres at SRUC, and now holds an Emeritus Fellowship at SRUC. Currently, his research is focusing on opportunities in wearable technology and precision livestock farming, with direct recent experience in next generation animal telemetry using Internet of Things (IoT) communication with technologies capable of providing animal monitoring, and animal management in real-time. He led the team that built, commissioned and used the award-winning (GreenGown Award 2015) GreenCow facility for measuring livestock emissions alongside large-scale feed intake facilities, and led SRUC’s team working within livestock emissions project as part of the UK’s Agricultural GHG Research Platform project. Tony has wide experience of practical farming systems, being farm director for SRUC’s upland farms for over 20 years, involving management of 3,500 hectares, 350 breeding cows and 5,000 breeding ewes. He has traveled widely in Europe, China and South America, recently supervising a large number of visiting postgraduate students in partnership with Brazilian universities. He has been Chair and Vice-Chair of SRUC’s Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Board.