
The Sustainable Southwest Beef Project at the Society for Range Management’s annual meeting (webcast symposia, February 8-9, 2022)
The Project team headed to Albuquerque for the annual meeting of the Society for Range Management. We organized two symposia: "Precision Grazing: state of the science and opportunity for user feedback on new technologies" and "From Desert Pasture to Dinner Plate: Evaluating the Sustainability of Supply Chains for Beef Cattle Coming from Ranches of the Southwest". Thanks to our research and producer partners, the event were well attended online and in person. You can watch 18 talks and 2 panels discussions at the link above.

Sustainability Programs in Beef Supply Chains from Pasture to Plate (Webinar, August 17th, 2021)
Webinar on supply chain options for sustainability and conservation program participation within the beef cattle supply chain. Speakers included project collaborators and guests from McDonald's Supply Chain Sustainability Team; and the World Wildlife Fund's Ranch Systems and Viability Planning (RSVP) network. Here are recordings from a couple of talks:
- Sustainability Programs in Beef Supply Chains by Dr. Sheri Spiegal
- Audubon Conservation Ranching Program by Cindy Tolle of Evergreen Ranching

Meat Quality Panel (webinar, May 5th, 2021)
Presentations and a panel discussion with Dr. Ty Lawrence, Dr. Rhonda Miller, and Chef Scott Brinker, with a focus on the fundamentals of how beef carcasses and cuts are evaluated and how those evaluations relate to consumer preferences. Several talks and Q&A were recorded:
- Intro to Meat Quality webinar, Sustainable Southwest Beef Project Overview by Dr. Sheri Spiegal
- Beef Carcass Grading & Quality by Dr. Ty Lawrence
- Meat Sensory Evaluation: What is it and why is it part of this project? by Dr. Rhonda Miller
- The Power of Food by Chef Scott Brinker
- Webinar Q&A

Tools for Navigating Drought on the Ranch (Webinar, April 29, 2021)
- Grass-Cast: A Forecast for Grassland Growth, Great Plains and Southwest by Julie Elliott
- National Drought Mitigation Center Ranch Drought Monitoring Dashboard by Tonya Haigh
- A Tour of Two Tools: Tools for the Beef Industry (TOBI) and Collaborative Conservation by Skye Aney
- Adaptation Strategy Toolbox (CCAST) by Skye Aney
- New Mexico State University and University of Arizona Extension Resources for Drought by Craig Gifford and Ashley Wright

Precision Ranching Technologies (Webinar, April 29, 2021)
Webinar to present information about technologies for precision livestock ranching in extensive rangeland systems. Three presentations can be viewed here:
- Precision ranching technologies under evaluation by the Sustainable Southwest Beef Project by Dr. Shelemia Nyamuryekung’e
- Related education materials suitable for classroom use and/or youth programming by Asombro Institute for Science Education
- My RAINge Log, a tool specifically designed around the type of infrequent, cumulative precipitation observations often collected at remote, rangeland sites, by Dr. Michael Crimmins

2020 Jornada Symposium (annual symposium held virtually, November 12, 2020)
Plenary talks:
- Decision Support Tools for the Beef Cattle Industry by Coury Dorn
- Soil Isotopic Memory of C4 Grasses by Curtis Monger and Jiaping Wang
- The Drought Learning Network by Caiti Steele
- Navigating the Jornada Data Ecosystem by Greg Maurer
- Sustainable Southwest Beef Project Overview by Reanna Burnett
- Precision Ranching by Shelemia Nyamuryekung’e
- Using Monitoring Data to Develop Ecological Site Concepts by Allie Heller
- Shrub Cover Change in SW Rangelands Over the Past Decade by Wenjie Ji
- A Conversation about Benefits and Features of the Habitat Module by Terri Schulz and Tegan May
- Using Monitoring Data for Wind Erosion Assessments by Nick Webb
- New Mexico Bull Management by Keegan Taylor
- Supply Chain Options by Mark Musumba
- Linking Erosion Prediction to Ecosystem Services Through Big Ecological Data by Nick Webb
- Ecological Site Summaries and Applications for Condition Thresholds and Treatment Monitoring by Rachel Burke and Dylan Hardy
- Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Ecology by Sarah McCord
- Sustainable Southwest Beef Breed Comparison Study by Matthew McIntosh
- Criollo Cattle: A Focus on Sustainable Cattle Production by Alfredo Gonzalez
- LandPKS - Knowledge for Sustainable Land Management in Your Hands by Jeff Herrick
- Southwest Climate Hub Education Resources by Asombro Institute
- Soil Health in New Mexico Rangelands by Carolina Brandani
- A Century of Vegetation Change on the Jornada Experimental Range by Erica Christensen
- Low Cost Precipitation Monitoring Tools by Helena Deswood
- The Pipeline of Data in Large-scale Phenology Forecasts by Shawn Taylor
- Snapshot of Rancher Perspectives on Creative Cattle Management Options by Skye Aney
- USDA Climate Hubs: Advancing Conservation Under a Changing Climate by Emile Elias
- Long-term Declining Trends in Chihuahuan Desert Forage Production in Relation to Precipitation and Ambient Temperature by Matthew McIntosh
- Stakeholder Engagement: Western Drought Resilience Workshop by Maude Dinan
- Hidden Biodiversity: How Soil Seed Banks Vary Across Ecological Sites and States in the Chihuahuan Desert by Kirsten Romig
- Grass-Cast: An Experimental Grassland Productivity Forecast by Lauren Kramer
- How to Play 'Solving the Beef' - a Game by the Asombro Institute
- Incorporating Climate into Resource Management Decisions by Courtney Peterson
- Big Data, Local Science: Not an Oxymoron by Brandon Bestelmeyer
- Adaptation of Rangeland Beef Production to Climate Change in the Desert Southwest by Andres Cibils
- Recycling Nutrients Among Distant Links of the Beef Supply Chain by Sheri Spiegal

Dr. Tony Waterhouse from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) discusses precision technology for livestock, particularly in rugged/rangeland settings. Virtual fencing, animal movement sensors, and more. Dr. Waterhouse reviews the current state of the technology and where it might be headed in the future. Dr. Waterhouse is a livestock scientist with over 35 years’ experience in the study of livestock systems and animal welfare in the UK, and is a collaborator in the Sustainable Southwest Beef Project.

Sustainable Southwest Beef Project, Virtual On-Ranch Demo (December 1, 2020)
- Welcome and Introductions
- Highlight of the Clayton Livestock Research Center (CLRC) – Dr. Glenn Duff
- Age-progression Footage of the Calves from the Breed Comparison Study
- Q&A Session
- Soil Health – Dr. Carolina Brandani
- Wheat Pasture and Winter Pasture Requirements in the Southwest and Southern Plains – Dr. Jason Smith
- 204 Wheat – Dr. Jackie Rudd
- Aquifers in the Region – Dr. Kate Zeigler
- Topical Breakout Rooms for Q&A and discussion (not recorded)
- Highlights from the Discussion in each Breakout Room